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International summer program TAPS

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photo: Andrzej Romański

The Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics of Nicolaus Copernicus University is pleased to welcome applications for the 3rd edition of The Toruń Astrophysics/ Physics Summer Program (TAPS).

TAPS is an opportunity for students interested in physics or astrophysics to lead a 4-week-long summer research project under a guidance of experienced researchers from NCU. This year students will have the opportunity to carry out research on 21 different subjects including star formation in distant galaxies, quantum nanooptics, plasmon networks, atomic clocks and ultra-precise optical spectroscopy.  

Additionally, participants will have the chance to participate in weekly lectures on cutting-edge research in physics and astronomy. The lectures will be delivered by the invited speakers from NCU and other universites.
For more details see:

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