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International Academic Partnerships - 1st call

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The first call for the InterAPS project was released on Janury 7th, 2019. The project concerns international exchange of students, Ph.D. students and academic staff, organisation of seminars and conferences, and joint research between partners from five European universities. The project is carried out between December 1, 2018 and November 30, 2020. The funding is provided by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and coordinated by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

The aim of the InterAPS project is to strenghten the scientific collaboration between Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) and Leiden University (the Netherlands), Newcastle University (United Kingdom), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and University of Innsbruck (Austria). Project scope encompasses joint research activities in the fields of:

  • astronomy (i.e., astrochemistry, cosmic masers, radiogalaxies),
  • physics (i.e., optical atomic clocks),
  • chemistry (i.e., trace organic species, bioinorganic chemistry),
  • computer science (i.e., reaction systems),
  • psychology (i.e., impact of placebo on the perception of pain). 

The project consists of four main types of activities:

  • Action I. Co-funding of scientific exchange visits between students, Ph.D. students, and staff of NCU and the Partner Institutions. 
  • Action II. Co-funding and organisation of seminars of scientific staff members from NCU in the Partner Institutions and seminars of the scientific staff members from the Partner Institutions in NCU.
  • Action III. Co-funding of the preparation, publishing and promotion of joint scientific papers in collaboration between NCU and at least one Partner Institution. Co-funding of the preparation of joint proposals for European Union grants. 
  • Action IV. Organization of international scientific meetings e.g., workshops, conferences, summer / winter schools for Ph.D. students in collaboration between NCU and at least one Partner Institution. The scientific scope of the meeting has to be linked with the research fields specified in the project and listed above.

Seminars and scientific meetings specified in Actions II and IV are organized by the Supporting Partner, the Aleksander Jabłoński Foundation.

The project is addressed to students, Ph.D. students and staff from the NCU and Partner Institutions who can demonstrate prior research activity and motivation to be actively involved in the international collaborations planned as part of the project. The detailed rules of the co-funding and the project schedule are available on the project website:

The deadline for the first call for the exchange visits is February 1st, 2019. Continuous applications are accepted for the rest of the Actions. Applications in English can be submitted via the project website using the forms dedicated for each Action. In case of questions, please contact Ms. Dominika Szmalc ( - the assistant project coordinator.

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